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eLearning Africa 2009 - 4. Internationale Konferenz für IKT in Entwicklung, Aus- und Weiterbildung
Wann? 27.05.2009 - 29.05.2009
Wo? SN--- Dakar, --
Was? eLearning Africa is delighted to announce that next year's conference, the fourth in the highly successful series of pan-African gatherings, will take place in Senegal. In May 2009, the Continent's largest annual assembly of eLearning and education professionals from Africa and beyond will convene in the capital, Dakar.

Moving to Senegal in 2009, eLearning Africa continues to build and expand a worldwide network for people involved in all aspects of technology-enhanced education and training in Africa, including management and policymaking. As with the previous conferences, eLearning Africa 2009 will be conducted in both English and French. The eLearning Africa website will keep you up-to-date with the latest information and developments, the themes, the local venue and other components of the event.
Leibnizstr. 32, 10625, Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 310 18 18 0 / Fax: +49 (0)30 324 98 33
Email: anja.megel-rouloff@icwe.net
URL: www.elearning-africa.com
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