Ein Service von
The Ethical Sourcing Forum North America
Wann? 26.03.2009 - 27.03.2009
Wo? USA-10038 New York, Bridgewaters, 11 Fulton Street
Was? The ETHICAL SOURCING FORUM is a two-day action oriented Industry Initiative open to those willing to play an active role in the development and successful implementation of sustainable social and environmental supply chain practices.

Broaden your understanding of sustainable business practices currently transforming global supply chain practices by attending the Ethical Sourcing Forum and learn about models that are being implemented and enablers that are driving success from business leaders, policy makers, academics and key industry stakeholders.

Presenters will engage you in BUILDING THE SUPPLY CHAIN OF THE FUTURE through compelling mini-training forums and training sessions designed to make you think and learn, develop knowledge and gather information on available frameworks and tools that can work for your organization.


Intertek - Sarah Ogilvie, Corporate Communications Manager
25 Savile Row, London W1S 2ES
Tel: 44 (0) 20 7396 3400; Fax: 44 (0) 20 7396 3480
Email: sarah.ogilvie@intertek.com
URL: http://www.intertek.com/
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