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The 2nd Annual European Anti-Corruption Summit
Wann? 06.10.2008 - 07.10.2008
Wo? NL-2508 GR Den Haag, Gevers Deynootplein 30 - Steigenberger Kurhaus Hotel
Was? Anti-corruption enforcement around the globe is continuing to heat up. The US currently has 50 investigations under way and in Europe there are now more than a 100. This increased focus has added to the urgency for many companies to get their anti-corruption, compliance and ethics programmes working effectively.

It's no surprise considering the fact that a companies preventative measures, or lack of have a direct relation to the severity of penalty incurred.
Fines have been seen to escalate into the 10's of millions and senior executives have even faced prison sentences. But the costs don't stop there. Once a company has come under investigation they will have to launch an internal investigation of their own which in itself could cost millions. On top of this is the risk of reputational damage which can have a dramatic effect on stakeholder perceptions and cause signicant loss of business.

So if you're one of the people responsible for managing compliance, ethics and anti-corruption then don't miss this opportunity to join us at the next European Anti-corruption Summit.
The conference will cover the most up-to-date topics when it comes to corruption prevention, with case studies from many of Europe's leading company's. The event offers a practical learning environment where you will have time to share information, ask questions, discuss and network with you're peers.
Ethical Corporation
7-9 Fashion St.; London E1 6PX, UK
Phone: +44 (0)20 7375 7211
Email: ross.vincent@ethicalcorp.com
URL: http://www.ethicalcorp.com
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