Ein Service von
"European Solar Thermal Energy Conference"
Wann? 21.06.2005 - 22.06.2005
Wo? D-79098 Freiburg, Konzerthaus
Was? Following the success of 2003, estec2005 will again be the most important event of the year for the European solar thermal sector.

Like in 2003, estec2005 will focus on issues directly relevant for market development, from policies for solar thermal to marketing strategies, from standards and certification to awareness raising campaigns and technological developments.
Bundesverband Solarindustrie e.V. (BSi)
Stralauer Platz 34, 10243 Berlin
Tel.: 030-2977788-22 / Fax: 030-2977788-99
Email: info@bsi-solar.de
URL: http://www.estec2005.org
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