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Presse-Stelle:  Ole von Uexküll Right Livelihood Award Foundation, S-10465 Stockholm
Rubrik:Politik & Gesellschaft    Datum: 18.04.2005
Jakob von Uexkull übergibt am 19. April den Alternativen Nobelpreis an Mordechai Vanunu, Enthüller des israelischen Atomwaffenprogramms. Vanunu hatte den Preis 1987 erhalten, konnte ihn aber aufgrund seiner Gefängnisstrafe nicht entgegennehmen.
On April 19, the Israeli nuclear whistle blower Mordechai Vanunu finally receives his Right Livelihood Award diploma from Jakob von Uexkull, founder of the award, at a press conference in Jerusalem. The award had been bestowed on Vanunu in 1987 "for his courage and self-sacrifice in revealing the extent of Israel's nuclear weapons programme." The award is presented annually in the Swedish Parliament in Stockholm, but Vanunu could not travel to Stockholm in 1987, as he was imprisoned until April 21, 2004.

Prior to the press conference, Uexkull will make a presentation in the Knesset Constitution, Law and Judiciary Committee (probably in a speech, otherwise in writing). The committee holds a hearing about the restrictions imposed on Vanunu: He is still not allowed to travel abroad or to contact foreign citizens and media, and his movements inside Israel are controlled. Uexkull, who is a former member of the European Parliament, will say in his presentation:

"Today the European Union is not just an economic, legal and political community but also increasingly a values community, united by a common ethics and culture. Kidnapping a person from European territory is a shocking affront against those values, which will not be forgiven until Vanunu is free to return from where he was forcibly and illegally removed. This issue will not go away. Numerous resolutions in the European Parliament and presentations from EU governments have so far been ignored by Israel, which has clearly underestimated the continuing enormous international support for Mordechai Vanunu."

"I see no contradiction between caring for the security of Israel and honouring Vanunu. The security of every nation is inseparable from the security of the world and every nuclear bomb makes the world less secure. For these are not rational weapons and their use can never be rational. How can a country be protected by a 'weapon', which would make it uninhabitable for countless generations?"

A former worker at the secret Israeli nuclear facility at Dimona, Vanunu had revealed Israel's nuclear weapons programme to the Sunday Times in 1986. He was kidnapped in Rome by Israel's Secret Service and returned to Israel by clandestine means for trial on charges of espionage and treason. In December 1987, his brother represented him at the presentation of the Right Livelihood Award in the Swedish Parliament. In March 1988 Mordechai Vanunu was sentenced to 19 years' imprisonment.


April 19, 10 am Israeli time (before the hearing which starts at 11 am):
-Vigil outside the Knesset main entrance with members of an international delegation to support Vanunu: Actress Susanna York, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mairead Maguire, Human Rights Lawyer Michael Ellman, Jakob von Uexkull and others.

April 19, 2.15 pm Israeli time until ca. 3.45 pm, Ambassador Hotel, Nablus Road, Jerusalem:
-Press conference with Vanunu, Uexkull and members of the delegation
-Presentation of Right Livelihood Award to Vanunu

To schedule an interview with Mordechai Vanunu or with Jakob von Uexkull please call:
00972-52-2260908 Mordechai Vanunu
00972-50-8959724 Adeline O'Keeffe (Campaign to free Vanunu)
00972-50-2185842 Ernest Rodker (Campaign to free Vanunu)
00972-50-7368236 Rayna Moss (Campaign to free Vanunu)

You can read more about Mordechai Vanunu at:
You can download a picture of Mordechai Vanunu from:
You can download a picture of Jakob von Uexkull from:



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