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ALTOP the Publishing House for "Green" Information

For more than 20 years ALTOP has been one of the leading publishers in the ecological market. We created ECO-World as a forum to promote the longterm importance of ecological products and services. Therefore we operate for and together with consumers and companies. Providing them with the latest information, background knowledge and highprofessional communication services we support their market pervasion.

Products and services

ALTOP has always been employing heavy performing IT Solutions to connect ECOminded companies and consumers. Basing on this profound database know-how the following products and services could be realised:

"ECO-World, Das alternative Branchenbuch" - Germany's "green" pages
We recently published the 20th edition of "ECO-World - the environmental yellow pages of Germany". As a standard reference for consumers, sellers and producers of ecological products and services this book is solidly established in the German market; it is the market's leader in the ecological branch (yearly circulation: 50.000) offering about 10.000 addresses, arranged in approx. 180 categories. You'll find producers & sellers of organic and sustainable consumer goods or fair trade products as well as ecologically orientated service providers or environmental organisations throughout Germany and international.

Relevant addresses & useful information
Every category is introduced by chosen articles giving supplementary information on specific topics, ecological standards, innovations and new trends, e.g. food, ecological buildings, renewable energies, health, cosmetics, fashion, etc. Therefore this book offers an outstanding opportunity to present products to specific customer groups. Another important part of "ECO-World" are selected tips on further reading and presentations of web-sites and links. You surely won't lack useful information!

The internet platform www.ECO-World.de - Germany's leading portal
Enthused about the idea of cross-medial publishing we created our portal www.ECO-World.de. More than 700.000 visitors per month view our pages. ECO-World.de is the perfect tool to enter the german market. Please find below a brief overview of its main services.

"ECO-Addresses" - For fast contacts, news clients and reliable Business Information
At present, with more than 50.000 entries, ECO-Address is German's largest database for environment-related resources available on the Internet. In addition to a powerful query engine, detailed categorisation is offered and provides the surfer with quick and reliable results. Even your address could be found here…

Special feature: Partners of the ECO-World can present their business, products and/ or services on a micro-webpage. Thus they are a real part of our platform. To easily construct and host their web-page ECO-World provides them with a special tool. With its help our partners create and update their entries fast and independently. For a very low price we offer them one of the best ways to get known in the German market: In the first year an account will only cost 75,- €. Are you interested, too? Don't hesitate to contact us and register here Your business facts for free.

"ECO-News" - Your access to more than 5000 Journalists and 3000 professionals
Another part of the ECO-World is a database-supported internet publishing system for managing and presenting editorials: It offers registered clients to publish press releases without any HTML- or programming knowledge. It also serves the distribution of newsletters to more than 9,000 subscribers. A good way for You to get known in the german market. To get further information on this highly efficient communication-tool, please contact us.

"ECO-Events"- Be informed what's going on
With a fairly complete overview of environment-related fairs and events ECO-Events has meanwhile become an indispensable information platform for all those who work in the ecology sector. Profit from the possibility to announce your event freely!

"ECO-Favourites" - We present highly qualified web-pages
This is the forum where ECO-World presents homepages and links that are related to ecological themes. Searching by catchword or branch clients can easily find relevant web-sites while producers, sellers, etc. can effectively reach their target group.

"ECO-Literature" - Our recommendations on further reading
Publishing houses use our platform to present their latest 'green' launches while clients can get information on new books and further readings.

"ECO-Products" - New Green Products on the market
This is the platform for all those who are interested in buying or selling ecological products. They will find a broad-ranged list of cosmetics, food, clothes, furniture etc. or simply get some further information on certain products.

"ECO-Shopping" - The Shopping Mall for Your relaxed Online Shopping
A virtual shopping store for ecological products: ECO-World by ALTOP manages sales offers and entire internet presentations for more than 40 suppliers.

If any of the promotion possibilities ECO-World offers sounds interesting to you, don't hesitate to take advice! We'll be glad to help You. An English version of our website, including more detailed information on the various advertising possibilities, is currently in preparation. Register here for more information.

Address and marketing Services
  • ECO-World by ALTOP offers more than 250.000 addresses of private and business persons who are taking an interest in ecological themes or working in the ecological business. This pool of qualified addresses could be at your disposition, too.
  • ECO-World by ALTOP provides direct and telephone marketing service, such as mailings, fax and email distribution and translation services. We are ready to consult You concerning the german market and to make qualified contacts for You.
  • ECO-World by ALTOP supports you if you want to participate in an eco-exhibition or even if you want to organize one.
Realisation of internet applications for external customers
ALTOP already has developed sophisticated solutions to IT- and publishing problems. Therefore we are able to realise internet applications for external customers. ECO-World by ALTOP develops custom-tailored internet platform concepts such as the market leading portal for natural cosmetics www.naturalbeauty.de or the new portal for health and wellness www.eco-wellness.de. See also the portal for regional Solar initatives www.regiosolar.de or the www.door2energy.de. More informations about our IT Services and selected references we provide on our Service Website www.oneworld.de.

Our services - Your plus
ECO-World by ALTOP ranks as a very modern firm in the publishing business as well as in the area of ecological marketing.
We would be happy to help you with further information and specific advice.
Please contact us by phone, tel. +49-89-746611-11,
or even better by email: f.lietsch@eco-world.de either in English, Spanish or French.

Yours, Fritz Lietsch
ECO-World Team
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