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Preventing pandemics: Living in harmony with nature
Wann? 20.05.2021 - 20.05.2021
Wo? *-* online, *
Forward Thinkers: Webinar Series 2021
The International Day for Biological Diversity (or World Biodiversity Day) is a United Nations international day for the promotion of biodiversity issues. The World Future Council and the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) have awarded the world's best biodiversity policies with the Future Policy Award. Costa Rica's Biodiversity Policy received the Gold Award.

This webinar will also present why Costa Rica is so successful in biodiversity conservation and what the country is proposing as Global Deal for Nature to be adopted at COP 15 in Kunming, China later in the year. The CBD will also outline why governments need to adopt ambitious plans to implement broad-based action to bring about a transformation in society's relationship with biodiversity.

The webinar will also present the research results of our handbook for policymakers on preventing pandemics with future just biodiversity policies. Because science is clear: In order to prevent future pandemics, we need to protect ecosystems and biodiversity. Covid-19, Ebola, Aids, SARS und MERS were all caused by viruses jumping from animals to humans. The destruction of nature makes future pandemics more likely. More than ever, we need exemplary policies to protect biodiversity.

The webinar is part of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, which aims to accelerate action for the protection and restoration of ecosystems all around the world, for the benefit of people and nature.

Moderator: Alexandra Wandel, Chair, Management Board, World Future Council

Here you can find more information on the webinar and the webinar series. Admission is free.
World Future Council
Email: *
URL: www.worldfuturecouncil.org

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