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Das Potenzial der EU-Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie
Wann? 03.04.2006 - 20:00
Wo? A-1010 Wien, Uraniastraße 1
Was? Following the setting up of a Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) in 2001, the European Commission carried out
an assessment process in 2005 and has launched a communication on the review of the Sustainable Development Strategy last
year in December.
The Austrian Presidency will facilitate the development of a revised strategy and intends that the June 2006 summit of the
European Council should pass a revised European Sustainable Development Strategy.
The majority of the EU member states, including Austria, has developed national Sustainable Development Strategies,
which follow very different approaches.
EU-Umweltbüro, Forum Sustainable Austria and ÖKOBÜRO are organising this conference with the aim
- to enhance communication between scientists, civil servants, NGO-commmunity and business on sustainable development
issues and respective strategies;
- to better link discussion on European and on national sustainable development strategies, by inviting experts from EU
Institutions, from old and from new member states;
- to support the development of an ambitious revised European Sustainable Development Strategy.
The conference will start with an introduction by the Austrian Presidency on the progress achieved so far. Presentations
by experts on some key issues of the Commission´s communication from December 2005 will follow, highlighting the most
unsustainable trends, deriving the necessary actions and commenting on the potential of the revised strategy.
The conference will continue with three parallel workshops discussing a) the external dimension, b) the linkage of SDS and
Lisbon Strategy and c) lessons to learn from national strategies. The aim is to boost contributions to the ongoing review process
and to identify key factors that are necessary to make the SDS work.
The conference will close with a panel discussion of high level decision makers. Representatives of the Austrian Presidency,
the European Commission, environmental NGOs, business and scientists are invited to discuss sustainable development as the
model for our European future and question the potential of the revised strategy in this respect.
In cooperation with
Review & Outlook:
The Potential of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy
Das Potenzial der EU-Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie
EU-Umweltbüro im Umweltdachverband
Alser Straße 21, 1080 Vienna, Austria
+43 (0)1 401 13-22
Email: eu-umweltbuero@umweltdachverband.at
URL: www.umweltdachverband.at/eu-umweltbuero

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